Blue Ocean Faith Perspectives

sunset blue oceanI was recently updating my ‘What is Blue Ocean Faith?‘ page and realized that it’s probably worth me having a post on what we call our Blue Ocean Faith Perspectives. But I’m not actually going to write anything, I’m just going to copy and paste from the Blue Ocean Faith website. Continue reading

Just think of me as the Marlboro Man of faith

I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in an event hosted by MIT’s Addir Fellows Interfaith program. I’m a big big fan of Addir and think MIT is super-fortunate to have this offering.

addir-bridgeThis particular event (and the audio is embedded below) was a panel of four different types of Christian clergy each speaking to how their tradition responds and is responding to social change movements. I was joined by three of my colleagues from MIT’s Board of Chaplains. Specifically: Catholic, Lutheran and Mormon. And, me you ask, what tradition was I representing? Check out the event poster. Continue reading